Emily Rolando, EMT


Emily applied, got accepted to nursing school, and never went. Instead getting swept up in her love and passion for the outdoors and physical endeavors. She merged her interest in medicine, outdoor pursuits and taking care of people by becoming a WEMT and guide for the last 10 years. She has taken people age 7- 77 all over the country to enjoy the wilderness via backpacking, ice and rock climbing, sea kayaking, mountaineering, etc. Becoming connected with EMS-Unlimited seemed another perfect merge for her medicine minded and racing spirit while giving back to the racing community. She loves mountain biking, running, laughing with friends, backpacking for days on end, eating gluten-free cookies and the freedom of working and playing in the great outdoors. She is excited to reignite her racing spirit with teamEMS which was tabled from too many guiding trips and is now balanced by part-time office hours behind a phone or computer. It oddly enough enables more training and racing potential for this quirky scheduled mountain girl.

Robert Conner